Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

1339 Measuring Liberty


A Liberty society doesn’t even pretend to make claims of omniscience; it simply relies on the theory of Emergent Order, like birds flying in a coordinated flock without any central guidance. Liberty works as an ideology because the innumerable interactions of people, places, times & things cannot be calculated beforehand but can self-determine into at least a momentary and ever-changing equilibrium, a beautiful, complicated & intricate dance that is indeed a special snowflake in that no instant can be exactly repeated. This strategy of letting liberty solve our problems for us requires that we have as much as possible. Luckily, liberty can be objectively measured to see how public policies are affecting it. Specifically, liberty equals freedom times opportunity. Knowing that Marxism restricts freedom and Fascism restricts opportunity, we should watch for signs of the emergence of those two ideologies. For example, concentration of wealth is a measurement of Fascism, and equality is a measurement of Marxism, and both foster a sense of elite authoritarianism, where somebody is telling others what to do. The most liberty, of course, is obtained when the most people have as much as they can get and leave everyone else alone to do the same.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 1.87MB - Duration: 2:25 m (108 kbps 44100 Hz)