Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

182 Hyphenated-Americans


At the start of the previous century, Teddy Roosevelt used to rail about "hyphenated Americans" ruining our national integrity, and indeed the idea of a "melting pot" came from that time: no matter where you came from, you integrated into society, and we were all Americans. In fact, the most successful countries income equality-wise are the most homogeneous, like Finland. Now though, the Social Justice Warriors & diversity have taken over. The minority have leveraged their power to overwhelm the majority. Apparently, Americans now aspire to their differences, and there is no better indicator that you are more different than extra letters in your title: to become a hyphenated-American.

The most powerful thing anybody can give themselves is a title. Not only can it define you in whatever preconceptions the title implies, but it can literally give you control: people naturally assume the “director” is in charge, and the “doctor” knows what they're talking about. The best titles let you assign your own honors & have a way to force those concepts onto others. Hyphenated-Americans exploit courtesy & Political Correctness to provide subtle control because it puts them in charge of how they are referred to. Plus, it makes them special, possibly deserving of preferential treatment. Hyphenated-Americans want to claim more, they want to split their allegiance, taking on the positive attributes & claims of the hyphen without any of the responsibility. Their name becomes a constant advertisement of the goods they're selling, often resulting in monetary reward . Hyphenation is also a subtle insult to the unhyphenated people, and forms divisions: those with hyphens verses those without.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 2.82MB - Duration: 3:05 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)