Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

155 Atheism


Though there are religionists who try and deny it, Freedom of Religion includes freedom from religion. Some people try to associate that Right with atheism but in recent times, atheism has become its own religion: they proselytize, they have believe-it-or-else evolutionist dogma, and they simply rely on faith that there is no god. And the Atheists who vehemently deny Atheism is a religion act just like religious zealots: rushing in to espouse their religion to anyone within earshot, claiming only they know the truth & they are transcendent with a smug certainty that everyone else is misinformed or stupid, so how can anyone tell the difference? Something that you cannot discern from a religion is as good as one.

I'd be an Atheist but I find evolution equally improbable, and though I'm not an Atheist, I applaud their tactics of forcing people to examine the irony & hypocrisy of deeply indoctrinated preconceptions by putting up statues of Satan next to statues of Jesus, and having a booth at the Christmas bazaar. Hopefully, that's all tongue-in-cheek, otherwise I'd rather take the invisible-man-in-the-sky explanation any day. Unfortunately, there's no debating Atheists, like there's no debating Creationists; everyone's an expert and there's no give. The interesting thing is that a Creationist will simply smile as you walk away, but you have to physically wrestle down an Atheist and break their middle-finger to escape.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 2.18MB - Duration: 2:23 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)