Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

96 Gun Control


Half the nation loves their guns: they feel empowered, and they take great pleasure from gun ownership. Yet there is a component of this nation that wants to take that sense of satisfaction and enjoyment away. These gun control people say they're the ones who would feel better, a myopic sanctimonious selfishness. The Gun-Grabbers think that their comfort overrides someone else's pleasure.

Gun Control arguments taken in their own context are impressively unconvincing: Gun-Grabbers often point to some statistic that could be reduced if there were no guns, but that whole line of argument is only a distraction because most Americans like their guns. Guns are a big part of our culture, our Constitution guarantees them, and guns are no more dangerous than driving or smoking. For the people who own guns, the positives far outweigh the negatives. In fact, after every mass gun killing, gun sales in the area increased dramatically because people want guns to feel safer and more in control of their lives. Whether these new guns actually offer protection is less important, it is the sense of doing something to protect yourself, and the feeling of security that is paramount.

I’m usually the first guy to reject conspiracy theories but the constant call for gun control from the Left may have sinister implications: The Left, especially the Progressive-Marxist thinkers, would like to impose their beliefs on everyone else. As long as citizens own guns, there will never be enough police to make the populace do something they don't want to do, but eliminating guns eliminates that problem. Otherwise, I see no rational reason for more gun control laws, simply enforce the ones we have now, and let The People revel in their gun ownership.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 2.93MB - Duration: 3:12 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)