Reducing The Price of Healthcare

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Martin Hash
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Reducing The Price of Healthcare

Post by Martin Hash » Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:29 pm

1. Like most of the rest of the world, train doctors right out of high school, public funding for their schooling, and set them up in the equivalent of $150K/year jobs afterwards. Doctors are just glorified mechanics but North America has turned them into rock stars.
2. Like the NHS, have healthcare be by proximity. You go to a doctor you could walk to. That doctor/group contacts you about yearly appointments.
3. Use standard business hostile takeover practice to get control of Big Pharm and medical suppliers, and change their charter to non-profit.
4. Cap malpractice awards (like some states already have).
5. Also like the NHS, have both a public (General fund) healthcare system, and an insurance-based one for those who want to pay the big bucks.
6. Educate people about end-of-life care. Too many dollars are going to people who are going to die. America's fascination with living to the bitter end is selfishness to the max.
7. Don't use public money for pseudo-science medicine.
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