Trump's First 100 Days

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Martin Hash
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Trump's First 100 Days

Post by Martin Hash » Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:12 pm

Drum roll please.

Trump's first 100 days as president weren't a disappointment if your expectations were low & you didn't follow the news. However, if you caught any of the MSM's coverage of Trump, it was infuriating. The level of political hackery is almost entertaining: Trump cheats at golf, he has a small penis, that's not his real hair. Obviously, the people who control the editorial content of the MSM are anti-Trump, including as the End-game a long-term plan to impeach him. I know why the Never Trump Republicans are on the Impeach Trump bandwagon, because then they get Pence, a person who could never have gotten into the White House otherwise because he is so Right-wing, but why the Democrats would be complicit in this scheme is beyond me?

Way back, I said Trump would win against Hillary if he could get the Republican nomination. In fact, I gave my "Superforecaster" vote 70% of Trump winning the whole thing. Contrary to the MSM narrative, Trump led from the beginning, he was always at the top of the polls, and he had 60% of the vote at the nomination. He got more Republican votes than any candidate in history. Then, despite the relentless “Trump can't win” MSM narrative, with some forecasters giving him only a 10% chance, he led on election day wire-to-wire. Anybody who belittled & ignored Trump was whistling past the graveyard, or worse, in collusion to suppress his voter's enthusiasm. Trump attracted me, and he attracted the people in my neighborhood too, so how come my anecdotal evidence differs from supposedly well-researched polls? Did the people who answer polls lie? Did they not get polled? Were the poll-takers subtly swayed by their own or other's agenda? The excuses beggar belief.

It's an absolutely fact that Trump was a better candidate than Hillary. Hillary should have won on demographics alone, so she thought all she had to do was play defense. It would take a total fluke to beat her, hence the Trump phenomenon, but like Trump said after her defeat, “You didn't even go to Wisconsin.” It was understandable, Hillary had never trailed in a single poll in Wisconsin, so she never thought she had to go, even though she absolutely needed it, then she lost by 1 point. The erroneous polls intended to torpedo Trump ended up backfiring on Hillary. Trump, on the other hand, held his final rally in Michigan, one of the other must-win States in the Rust Belt. He ended up getting all three. Hillary ran on the platform, “It's my turn.” Trump looked the Alt Right in the eye, and said, “Enough is enough, vote for me and I'll put a stop to this liberal nonsense.”

Trump got most of the pissed-off OWGs of both Parties, and the majority of pissed-off women, 53% of White women, in fact. Hillary got the rest of the women & a majority of the minorities but Trump still got some of those: just because your skin is different than White doesn't mean you aren't pissed-off, and Trump doesn't come across as a racist to me or most people, he's just portrayed that way by his enemies. Even Democrat OWGs who wouldn't have voted for any traditional Republican voted for Trump. If Dems were counting on Liberal OWG votes after the last couple years of full-on OWG assault, they definitely got a dose of reality. In an atmosphere of identity politics, Democrats won't admit they've walked away from most White voters. Trump also took a big share of the undecideds who had no other beliefs except being anti-Hillary.

Poor-losers say people voted for Trump out of fear, and they're right: fear & anger certainly are what got Trump elected. Fear that the SJWs would get control, and anger at what The Left calls "positive" change, most people consider gauche, rude & in poor taste. And many people voted Trump simply because the MSM hates him, and they are sure the MSM is controlled by a sanctimonious Elite inimical to their best interests, which is probably true. Also, Trump appears immune to PC outrage tactics, no one else in public life appears to be, and people are tired of seeing them back down all the time. Trump doesn't.

Trump attracts a specific type of person, and I don't just mean train-wreck watchers. Trump's appeal is that he gets under the skin of the sanctimonious blowhards whose constant scolding is both discourteous & imposing on the liberty of others. That's why Trump remains so popular among his base, because he does things like kicking annoying reporters out of press conferences, and going on the attack about what is obviously biased news reporting. His supporters know he's an egomaniac, but also assume that the self-confidence required to go head-to-head with every established interest on the planet requires prickhood as a main ingredient.

Occasionally, in our kooky 2-party system, a Trump will show up. If you want to change the system, you had to vote for the guy, otherwise your complaints are just scapegoatism & cowardice. Trump was a once in a lifetime opportunity to prove my Outsider cred, so I held my nose & pulled the lever. I have the same reservations about Trump I did when he entered the presidential race. In fact, in my Trump podcast before the Primaries, I talked about all the good Trump things, yet straight out called the guy an "intellectual fraud" and a "turd" BUT he was an outsider, and I was signed up for Outsider, so I sucked it up and became a Trumper. If the worst thing someone can say about Trump is that he's a blowhard, so what? You don't have to drink a beer with the guy, but it 's entirely possible Trump is a dick AND a poor leader, but you know what, I'm glad I voted for him anyway; it shows I'm still a naïve optimist, and every time I hear a SJW shrilly denounce him, my support gets a little stronger.

I didn't start Dumping-on-Trump until it was clear he is incapacitated by narcissism, and unable or incapable of forming & maintaining complex thoughts. Also, I don't know if Trump ever admits he's wrong? Does he ever say, "Oops, let's not do that again.” I still support the idea of what Trump is; just breaking the entrenched power structure was good enough reason to elect him. He's a singularity, like “The Mule” character in Issac Asimov's “Foundation” series, changing the currents of psychohistory by his very presence.

I didn't think anyone could take a $100 million coordinated attack like the one that hit Trump early in his campaign, but he did. Does any other nation even know what a $100 million political campaign looks like, let alone a negative one? $100 million goes a long way: remember the anti-Trump onslaught during the Republican debates, and the paid anti-Trump protesters at a Trump rallies, and the endless stream of anti-Trump opinion pieces on all the news feeds? And I don't think that campaign ever ended. In fact, it's probably more like a $half-billion Bash Trump campaign now. Can anyone, even Trump, continue to take relentless negative advertising? The saturation of vindictive is mind-boggling. How much more more money are they going to pour into discrediting him? Actually, I'm attracted by the underdog aspect of it, and the assault on Trump makes me root for the guy, me and a lot of other people. We aren't fooled: Trump is bad but he's not that bad, and he's good too. We can recognize balanced reporting if we ever see it.

There are no positive Trump stories in the MSM: USA Today, Google News, Reuters. It's a totally biased narrative to create the perception that he's some kind of moron, probably mentally ill, so must be impeached. The Chattering Class: Bill Mayer, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, SNL, tear at him relentlessly, something they would never do to Obama. People working in the media are college-educated elitists who all think they could be a better president than Trump, that Trump is just a stupid pretender, a lucky bumbling idiot. I suspect the anti-Trump crescendo is NOT Democrats, but instead corporate. I'm thinking it's the handful of stateless, international megacorps who support Globalism, and control the media, and see their profits threatened by Trump. For all the accusations of Trump as Fascist, the truth may be that it's not him driving the Fascism train, it's the media.

Once nominated, Trump certainly didn't follow the old Nixon adage: run towards the base in the Primary then retreat to the middle in the General. Trump never budged, until that is, he became president, then it was like Right-wing Trump came out. Luckily, he has been stymied in his more aggressive stances by politics & The Courts, emasculating his most outlandish positions. As I've mentioned before, if there are meta-humans, Trump is one. My hope is that Trump's Metahood somehow prevents him from ever doing anything except appointing liberty-minded Supreme Court judges.

I assumed Trump would hire people to do the heavy intellectual lifting once he was in office, but instead he adopted the worst sort of nepotism. How can his daughter & her husband possibly be the best advisers available? The Nouveau Aristocracy, of which Trump is exemplary, just assume that their superiority is passed genetically. Trump certainly believes he comes from an elite Class of people who are naturally born that way because they were rich. He wants no inheritance taxes because the uber-wealthy deserve to establish dynasties. He wants to cut taxes on the wealthy so that they can ever increase their wealth. He's doing everything in his power to shore up the aristocracy. He's certainly a “raising tide lifts all ships” kind of guy, and he's sure the aristocracy causes the tide to rise.

The one thing Trump has proven is it's all about Trump. Trump isn't crazy, he's bombastic because he doesn't know any better. My personal opinion is that Trump had previously lived in a glass bubble surrounded by toadies. He had decades to come to the erroneous conclusion that he was brilliant, handsome, clever, witty & wise, with nothing but a few bankruptcies to prove otherwise. He was never faced with true competence. THEN he got exposed to some REAL brilliant, handsome, clever, witty & wise individuals that had got to their positions of power due to their legitimate prowess, and Trump was BLOWN AWAY. He lost his total confidence. He told himself he would do as he always does, which is take the advice of people who are experts, until the next brilliant guy comes into the room anyway, then he adopts their position instead, then he watches the Nightly news and changes his position again. Trump has no core ideology, no program running in the background that filters out conflicting positions. He's against something before he's for it then visa versa, and there's no reason to to think he's going to change. He needs to keep Bannon around as an anchor, who has a long, successful history in these matters, even if he is Alt Right.

It's no mystery why Trump came to power: our broken political system convulsed on Trump out of pure exasperation. Democracy is being leveraged by the minority in a bid for control; silencing dissent, enforcing their regiment of Political Correctness, destroying careers, exploiting the civility & courtesy of the majority, and poisoning the atmosphere in public spaces. Trump is entirely a response to that onslaught, he's a breath-of-fresh-air from the constant brow-beating, demeaning & shunning exhibited by the far Left. The things Trump says that so outrageous are things anyone could have said 30 years ago, but the weaklings have been slowly weaseling themselves into power by indoctrinating of our young in Lefty dominated schools. With Trump, they are seeing their carefully assembled power structure and tenuous grasp on control threatened. They are bullies whose comeuppance is at hand. We'll see what more doses of Trump will do? Will their heads explode?

The backlash against the social justice types is only going to get worse; Trump is just a major symptom. Normal people voted for Trump out of desperation & perversity: they don't expect him to do anything & won't like it when he does but at least he's not those Other Guys. And does somebody actually think anyone can "get something done" in this poisonous atmosphere? If Trump is in charge during The Collapse, he's the perfect Fall Guy. Nobody takes him personally, no vendettas, no spite, no resentment. Really, what team is he on anyway? Team Trump is one guy. He's a man in his 70s who craves adoration; a dumbass who claims that he's smart, but just listening to him for a few minutes proves otherwise; and a narcissistic wheeler-dealer with an ego that won't let him admit he's wrong. Trump's a flash in the pan that will be around just long enough to take all the heat when the system blows, and the best part is, he won't care. He could never imagine he was the worst president ever; in his mind, he was the best.

I'm a Liberal Trumper, and I know a few more. Mostly they've got to keep it secret though so I really don't know? With the media & social networking dominated by Lefties, you can't mention you support Trump publicly without getting into a shouting match with some self-righteous, sanctimonious butthead. I've never been one to back away from a fight but the anti-Trumpers spit & scream so loud that I now pick my battles. Making things worse, my Fake Outsider friends, pretended to be interested in Trump but when the chance came, they stuck the knife in. I understand that many people don't have my risk-tolerance, but at least they could have had the balls to admit their lack of conviction in their beliefs. And to top it all off, we got foreigners disrespecting the president of the United States, and encouraged by the media to do it.

Let me hypothesize for a moment... Nothing that Trump does will derail him, certainly not ginned up Russia, Russia, Russia, or “OMG, the man's insane!” The ENTIRE establishment is aligned against him. Bashing Trump is bringing the Dems & Republicans together, hell, it brings the whole world together. The only people who seem to like Trump are the voters. Collusion between the Democratic & Republican Parties is what's going to take Trump down. The strategy since he was elected has been to throw enough mud that people don't know fact from fiction then impeach him. His hardcore third of voters won't take it lightly though. If you were a Trump supporter, and your Party pretty much disdained you & your beliefs, what would you do? They won't just walk away calmly, realizing they'd been duped, and fall back in line. If there's ever going to be a trigger for another Civil War, impeaching Trump is it.

Electing Donny is proof that somebody else is coming soon: let's just hope it's not Stalin.

Trump desperately needs some wisdom in his administration... Hell, I'm available right now: Donny, give me a call.
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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by Ex-California » Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:39 pm

This is great, where should we share this?
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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by C-Mag » Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:41 pm

I really enjoyed that, and I agree with the Lions share of it.

Nice Work Dr Hash


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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by Haumana » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:07 pm

Suggestion: Put this on your FB page so it can be shared.

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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:30 pm

"College educated elitists"... :think: how many degrees again, Dr?
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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by Haumana » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:37 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:"College educated elitists"... :think: how many degrees again, Dr?
You consider Hash an elitist?

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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:38 pm

Haumana wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:"College educated elitists"... :think: how many degrees again, Dr?
You consider Hash an elitist?
His term, not mine.

Doesn't make much sense to demonize "the elites", when you are one.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by Haumana » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:47 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
His term, not mine.

Doesn't make much sense to demonize "the elites", when you are one.

1.a person who believes that a society or system should be led by an elite.

After listening to his podcasts, I guess you could make that case if you consider the top 25% elites. But that seems a bit watered down.

I guess the terms elitist and elites mean something else to me. Being educated, ambitious and fortunate doesn't automatically equate to the definition I provided and currently understand the term to mean. *shrug

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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:51 pm

Haumana wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
His term, not mine.

Doesn't make much sense to demonize "the elites", when you are one.

1.a person who believes that a society or system should be led by an elite.

After listening to his podcasts, I guess you could make that case if you consider the top 25% elites. But that seems a bit watered down.

I guess the terms elitist and elites mean something else to me. Being educated, ambitious and fortunate doesn't automatically equate to the definition I provided and currently understand the term to mean. *shrug
Dude. Paragraph 10. Where he's talking about the MSM and talking heads going after Trump. They're called out as "college-educated elitists".

I'm just saying that doesn't make any sense coming from a guy with multiple doctorates, who retired 20 years ago.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Trump's First 100 Days

Post by Haumana » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:57 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Haumana wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
His term, not mine.

Doesn't make much sense to demonize "the elites", when you are one.

1.a person who believes that a society or system should be led by an elite.

After listening to his podcasts, I guess you could make that case if you consider the top 25% elites. But that seems a bit watered down.

I guess the terms elitist and elites mean something else to me. Being educated, ambitious and fortunate doesn't automatically equate to the definition I provided and currently understand the term to mean. *shrug
Dude. Paragraph 10. Where he's talking about the MSM and talking heads going after Trump. They're called out as "college-educated elitists".

I'm just saying that doesn't make any sense coming from a guy with multiple doctorates, who retired 20 years ago.
I read it. Dunno, it just seems you are conflating his education and luck with his ideology. What, ideologically speaking, has he offered that would make him an elitist according to the definition I provided? You may have a different definition of the term and by sharing it would help in understanding your critique.